Alphonso Mango Pulp

Alphonso Mango Pulp

Home / Alphonso Mango Pulp

Alphonso Mango Pulp

Home / Alphonso Mango Pulp

Nature's Gold by SafaAgro

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Welcome to SafaAgro, where we pride ourselves on offering the finest treasures of nature. Among these, the Alphonso Mango holds a special place as the crown jewel of our offerings. Join us as we explore the allure and delectable essence of the Alphonso Mango.

  • Regal Flavor
  • Nutrient-Rich Luxury
  • Versatile Culinary Delight
  • Quality AssuranceSeasonal Freshness:

Packed with Nutrients

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Not only are Alphonso Mangoes a treat for your taste buds, but they are also rich in essential nutrients. These gems are a natural source of vitamins and antioxidants, contributing to a healthy, balanced diet.

Versatile Culinary Marvel

The Alphonso Mango isn't just for savoring as a fruit; it's a versatile culinary marvel. Use it in desserts, smoothies, salads, or even savory dishes to add a touch of tropical elegance to your meals.

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                                               Baby Food

Chemical Characteristics

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  • Brix :16 Min
  • pH : 3.6 – 4.0
  • Acidity % :0.45 – 0.75

Microbiological Characteristics

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  • Aerobic Plate Count : 0 cfu/gm
  • Yeast : 0 cfu/gm
  • Mould : 0 cfu/gm
  • Anaerobic Bacteria : 0 cfu/gm
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Physical Characteristics

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  • Color : Yellow to light golden yellow
  • Texture : Smooth texture and homogenized
  • Flavor : Natural flavor of Mango and free from burned, cooked or any of flavor taste
  • Appearance : Characteristic

Packaging & Storage

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In aseptic bags inside steel drum, 4 drums on each pallet

Shelf life : 24 months from production date


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Keep in cool and dry place, store in ambient temperature (+25°C)

Protect from moisture and direct sun light

Consume once the bag is opened or keep frozen

Free from preservatives or artificial colors

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