Lin Seed

Lin Seed

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Lin Seed

Home / Lin Seed

Lin Seed

Linseed are the highest dietary source of plant lignans, containing 100 – 800 times than any other source. Due to their tiny size, it is near impossible to chew each individual seed and for this reason, ground linseed meal is the most effective option.

Note this is an unprocessed agricultural product. Therefore at times, parameters such as shape, size, colour and moisture level may vary from typical values. While every endeavour is made to supply a consistent product, in years of extreme weather allowances may have to be made.

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Shelf life

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12 months from production date


Clean, dry, cool area, free from infestation, recommended Temperature 0-15°C

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Chemical Characteristics

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    • Characteristic
    Free of chemical taints, residuals or odours.

    Residual levels conform to current regulations

Microbiological Characteristics

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Total plate count
150000 cfu/g max
Yeasts & Moulds
<1000 cfu/g
<100 cfu/g
<1000 cfu/g
Absent in 25g
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Physical Characteristics

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    • Colour
    Honey amber to reddish brown with minimal discoloration.
    3-4 mm long
    Firm not brittle or soggy
    9% Max
    Small brown oval shaped seeds, bright shiny

Packaging & Storage

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  • Multiwall Paper Bags        50lb / 22.68KG or 25KG
  • HDPE /PP Bags                55.12lb / 25kg or 110.23lb /50kg
  • Jute Bags

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